





Hyperbola- Set of all points the difference of whose distances from 2 fixed points is constant




Looks like two parabolas going in opposite directions. The center is the same distance from each of the two vertices. There is one vertex on each part on the hyperbola, and it is on the part of the curve closest to the center. The hyperboles curve away from the center, vertically or horizontally. 





Both the horizontal and vertical hyperbolas have standard equations to find the center(h,k), the distance between the vertices( transverse axis, a), and the conjugate axis(b) which is an imaginary axis which hints to any asymptotes.


There are two standard equations for hyperbolas:

If horizontal, they cross the x axis:    =1               




 If vertical, they cross the y axis:      =1        



There are two points within the hyperbolas that are equidistant from the center, called foci. They are labeled in the graph above as point c.



To find the distance from the center to the foci the equation:    is used.


To find the exact points of the foci,

it depends on if the hyperbola is vertical or horizontal!!!!!!!!!














For further information visit some of these sites:


If you really want to see a video about how to solve these see this link